9 New Apps to Train Your Memory

Every student can relate to feeling overwhelmed and forgetful. Yet, many symptoms you can fix with a good night’s sleep and practice. Your brain is a muscle you need to train constantly to discover your full potential. Don’t postpone relaxing and diversifying your practices to boost your memory and performance.

If you are struggling to find the best training apps, this list is for you. Leave some of your concerns and questions like “how to write my paper for next week” for later. Once you overcome challenges, you will find inspiration to excel with your tests and essays. Many apps gamify memory exercises, making it fun to train.

9 New Apps to Train Your Memory

CogniFit Brain Fitness

This app aims to improve your cognitive abilities, including memory and concentration. It consists of different levels of difficulty, various games, and a progress tracker to encourage you to train. It has a user-friendly interface and intuitive toolbar where you can choose the game you want to play and train. The difficulty levels progress according to your progress, so you never feel stuck or bored.

The app requires a subscription to access all the in-app content, but you can try the first four games for free.

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It is one of the best apps to train your memory, speed, problem-solving skills, and flexibility. You can use Lumosity to prepare for your tests or train your brains daily. Lumosity offers you an entry Fit Test to calculate your base score and design an individual plan for you. Play every day to unlock more games and get detailed insights and tools to track your progress.

The game is free but has a premium subscription plan option for unlocking more games at once.


Eidetic is a memory training app that utilizes the “spaced repetition” technique to boost memorizing information. The app notifies you about regular check-ups and tests to improve your long-term memory and revise your knowledge. You can easily add items to pre-built folders in the app:

  • Dictionary.
  • Phone Number.
  • Fact.
  • ‌Number.
  • ‌Quote.
  • Note.

The app offers you different flexible subscription plans.

Fit Brain Trainer

This brain training app has ten sets of games that focus on different brain areas. You are both working on improving your memory and concentration, which benefits you in studying. To proceed with your level, you need to finish a task in each category every day, so you won’t forget about it. There’s plenty of room for improvement, and you can track your progress with color-coded graphs.

The app is completely free to use.


NeuroNation offers 27 versatile exercises with more than 250 levels to accomplish. The logic behind NeuroNation is quite simple: you have to choose a specific card depending on the requirements. Gain scores and increase game difficulty at your own pace. You can create a customizable schedule with notifications to remind you to practice.

The app requires a subscription to unlock all features and games to train.Elevate

Elevate is a top-rated brain training app that helps you with various aspects of your life. Complete an introduction test to measure your reading, writing, and mathematics skills to access a unique training plan designed by Elevate for you. Choose from an extensive library of games and level up your memorization skills like a pro. Discover different games and track your daily progress.

The app offers you three free games per day with the opportunity to upgrade your profile to premium.


The Peak app develops a unique training plan specifically for you to improve areas where you fall behind. You can set up daily reminders that will be triggered at a certain time every day to maximize your benefit from training. It includes dozens of games like Word Fresh for language or Low Pop for problem-solving. It is a flexible app with a user-friendly interface and easy navigation.

You can use the app for free or unlock more features with a premium subscription plan.


This app is perfect for managing your stress and anxiety. Even though it is not an app that claims to boost your memory, it can benefit you greatly. Once you deal with your daily stress, you will notice memory improvement because all these factors are interconnected. It provides you with games, activities, and other tools to build self-confidence and focus on what’s important.

The app is completely free but has a subscription opportunity to access premium features.

Clockwork Brain

Clockwork Brain has more than 17 games, puzzles, and other fun tools to test your cognitive skills. The main aim of the app is to sharpen your memory, reasoning, attention, and dexterity. Train daily to level up and get more recommendations according to your progress. The game is available in ten languages, including Italian, Spanish, German, and French.

The game is free, and you can play at your own pace at any time.

How to improve your memory: general tips

Every practice is more effective when you care for your well-being. Studying till exhaustion and pulling all-nighters can be counterproductive and cause even more harm. That’s why you should follow these tips:

  • Add more physical activity to your schedule. Even a short walk can significantly improve your mood and memory and benefits you in general.
  • Socialize regularly. Everyone needs “me-time” from time to time, but avoid isolating yourself and focus on building meaningful relationships with your family and friends.
  • Get a healthy 8 hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation is the number one reason for problems with brain function.
  • Diversify your diet. Avoid starving and stick to vegetables and low-fat protein sources like fish, beans, and skinless poultry.
  • Keep up with a schedule. Staying organized helps you to succeed more with your daily tasks.


Work smarter, not harder, everyone knows this simple rule. Your practice doesn’t have to be boring. You also don’t need to force yourself to train because it rarely benefits a person to overstep themselves. When you gamify your training experience, you get more engaged and present, having genuine fun while doing so.

Jimmy Wheeler
Jimmy Wheeler
JimmyWheeler is currently working on a Tech firm and in the free time, he loves to express his thoughts via writing.

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