A Guide to Condemned: Criminal Origins [Full Game Guide]

First-person horror game Condemned: Criminal Origins was created by Monolith Productions and released by Sega. In the game, FBI agent Ethan Thomas investigates a string of horrible killings in an imaginary metropolis. With its intense atmosphere, unique combat system, and emphasis on investigating crime scenes for evidence, Condemned: Criminal Origins is a classic in the horror genre.

Game Story :

The game follows FBI agent Ethan Thomas as he investigates a series of brutal murders in the city. As Ethan delves deeper into the case, he begins to experience hallucinations and becomes increasingly unstable. He still has a strong desire to crack the case and catch the murderer.

Along the way, Ethan is assisted by his mentor, former FBI agent Malcolm Vanhorn, and forensic analyst Rosa Angel. But as the investigation goes on, it becomes obvious that a bigger conspiracy is at work and that Ethan’s coworkers might not be what they appear.

Ethan soon discovers that the killer is Leland Vanhorn, Malcolm’s son, who is a deranged and sadistic serial killer. Leland is obsessed with his family’s legacy and believes that he is carrying out a divine mission.
As Ethan confronts Leland, he learns that the killer has been infecting people with a mysterious virus, turning them into violent and aggressive monsters known as Inferi. Ethan must battle his way through the infected and face off against Leland in a final showdown.

Ethan’s mental state continues to deteriorate during the game, as the distinction between his hallucinations and reality grows more hazy. The story of the game is dark and unpleasant, and the game’s use of music and lighting helps to create a tense environment.

Condemned: Criminal Origins’ narrative is overall compelling and powerful, keeping players interested as they solve the killings’ riddle and the greater conspiracy at work.

Characters :

A Guide to Condemned: Criminal Origins [Full Game Guide]

Ethan Thomas:
Ethan Thomas is the protagonist of Condemned: Criminal Origins. He is an FBI agent looking into a string of violent killings in the city. As the story progresses, Ethan begins to experience hallucinations and becomes increasingly unstable. He still has a strong desire to crack the case and catch the murderer.

Malcolm Vanhorn:
Malcolm Vanhorn is a former FBI agent and mentor to Ethan.Throughout the game, he serves as Ethan’s guide, giving him knowledge and counsel. Malcolm is a mysterious and enigmatic character, and his true motives are unclear.

Leland Vanhorn:
Leland Vanhorn is Malcolm’s son and the primary antagonist of the game. He is a deranged and sadistic serial killer who is responsible for the murders that Ethan is investigating. Leland is obsessed with his family’s legacy and believes that he is carrying out a divine mission.

The Torturer:
The Torturer is a masked figure who appears throughout the game as an antagonist. He is responsible for capturing and torturing people, and is believed to be working for Leland Vanhorn. The Torturer wears a metal mask and speaks in a distorted voice, adding to his eerie presence.

Rosa Angel:
Rosa Angel is a forensic analyst who works with Ethan on the case. She is intelligent and resourceful, and is able to provide valuable insights and assistance to Ethan throughout the game. Rosa is one of the few characters in the game who is not corrupted by the conspiracy that Ethan uncovers.

Inferi are the game’s main enemies, humanoid creatures that attack Ethan throughout the game. They are former humans who have been infected by a mysterious virus, turning them into violent and aggressive monsters. The Inferi are renowned for their swiftness and agility, which make them fearsome adversaries.

Missions :

There are ten chapters in the game, and Ethan must perform a certain amount of tasks in each one in order to advance the plot. The missions involve investigating crime scenes, fighting off enemies, and solving puzzles.

Many of the missions in Condemned: Criminal Origins require Ethan to investigate crime scenes in order to find evidence. These crime scenes are often gruesome and disturbing, and require Ethan to use his forensic tools to analyze the evidence. This entails utilising a metal detector to look for buried evidence, a UV light to look for blood traces, and a digital camera to snap images of the crime scene.

Another important aspect of the game is combat, and many of the objectives require players to use a variety of melee weapons to defeat their foes. Ethan can use pipes, wrenches, shovels, and other objects found in the environment to attack his enemies. Players must also be mindful of their stamina, as Ethan will tire if he swings his weapon too much.

In addition to investigating and combat, Condemned: Criminal Origins also features a number of puzzles that players must solve in order to progress. These puzzles often involve finding and manipulating objects in the environment, and require careful observation and problem-solving skills.

Boss Battles:
The game also features a number of boss battles, where Ethan must face off against powerful enemies. These battles often require players to use their combat skills and environmental awareness to gain an advantage and defeat the boss.

Walkthrough :

  • Chapter 1: Crime Scene
    The first chapter of the game serves as an introduction to the mechanics of investigation and combat. Ethan is called to investigate a crime scene in a subway station, where he must find evidence and fight off the first wave of enemies.
  • Chapter 2: Doll Factory
    In this chapter, Ethan investigates a doll factory where more murders have taken place. The factory is filled with enemies, and Ethan must solve puzzles to progress and uncover more evidence.
  • Chapter 3: Burnback Alley
    Ethan is called to investigate a fire in a back alley, where he discovers more evidence and fights off more enemies. This chapter introduces the use of the metal detector to locate hidden evidence.
  • Chapter 4: Metro City Subway
    In this chapter, Ethan must navigate through the subway system to find evidence and progress through the story. The subway is infested with enemies, and players must be careful not to run out of ammo or stamina.
  • Chapter 5: The Torture Chamber
    Ethan is captured and taken to a torture chamber, where he must fight his way out and uncover more evidence. This chapter is a major turning point in the story, as Ethan’s mental state begins to deteriorate rapidly.
  • Chapter 6: Hotel
    Ethan must investigate a hotel where more murders have taken place. This chapter is filled with enemies and puzzles, and players must use their skills to progress through the story.
  • Chapter 7: Department Store
    In this chapter, Ethan must navigate through a department store filled with enemies and traps. This chapter introduces the use of the taser to stun enemies and solve puzzles.
  • Chapter 8: Black Lake Lodge
    Ethan travels to a remote lodge in the woods, where he must investigate and fight off enemies. This chapter is a turning point in the story, as Ethan’s hallucinations become more frequent and intense.
  • Chapter 9: Oro Lodge
    Ethan continues his investigation at another lodge, where he uncovers more evidence and faces off against powerful enemies. This chapter features a number of puzzles and challenges, and requires careful observation and problem-solving skills.
  • Chapter 10: The Final Countdown
    In the final chapter of the game, Ethan confronts Leland Vanhorn and battles his way through hordes of infected enemies. This chapter is intense and challenging, and players must use all of their skills to defeat the final boss and complete the game.

Controls :

For Xbox 360:
Left stick: Move
Right stick: Look/aim
A: Jump
B: Crouch
X: Use/take item
Y: Melee attack
Left trigger: Block
Right trigger: Fire weapon
Left bumper: Equip melee weapon
Right bumper: Equip ranged weapon
D-pad up: Reload
D-pad down: Drop item
D-pad left: Use health item
D-pad right: Use stun gun
Back button: Pause menu
Start button: Objective menu

For PC:
W, A, S, D: Move
Mouse: Look/aim
Spacebar: Jump
Left shift: Run
Left control: Crouch
E: Use/take item
Left mouse button: Melee attack
Right mouse button: Block
R: Reload
Q: Equip melee weapon
F: Equip ranged weapon
Tab: Objective menu
Esc: Pause menu

For PS3:
Left stick: Move
Right stick: Look/aim
X: Jump
O: Crouch
Square: Use/take item
Triangle: Melee attack
L1: Block
R1: Fire weapon
L2: Equip melee weapon
R2: Equip ranged weapon
D-pad up: Reload
D-pad down: Drop item
D-pad left: Use health item
D-pad right: Use stun gun
Select button: Objective menu
Start button: Pause menu

For Xbox One:
Left stick: Move
Right stick: Look/aim
A: Jump
B: Crouch
X: Use/take item
Y: Melee attack
Left trigger: Block
Right trigger: Fire weapon
Left bumper: Equip melee weapon
Right bumper: Equip ranged weapon
View button: Objective menu
Menu button: Pause menu
D-pad up: Reload
D-pad down: Drop item
D-pad left: Use health item
D-pad right: Use stun gun

Note: Controls may vary depending on the keyboard layout and the game version

Tips :
Pay attention to your surroundings: The game is full of clues and hints that can help you progress through the levels. Look out for anything that stands out, including weapons or things that can be used as a distraction.

You will only have a little amount of inventory space, so it’s crucial to handle your weapons and items carefully.
Keep a balance of melee and ranged weapons, and use health items only when necessary.

Attack carefully:
Since melee combat constitutes a significant portion of the game, it is crucial to attack carefully. Use blocks to defend against enemy attacks, and wait for the right moment to strike.

Keep moving:
Enemies can attack you from any angle in this game, which is meant to keep you on your toes.
Keep moving to avoid being surrounded, and be ready to turn and fight if needed.

Use your flashlight:
The game is set in dark and creepy environments, and your flashlight is a vital tool for navigating and finding clues. Be sure to use it often, but be aware that enemies can also see your flashlight and be alerted to your presence.

Listen carefully:
The game has amazing sound design, but it’s crucial to pay close attention to footfall from enemies and other sounds that can offer you hints about what’s next.Don’t be scared to explore and hunt for secret riches and tips because the game has many hidden locations and riddles to solve.

Save often:
The game has a manual save system, so be sure to save often to avoid losing progress if you die or need to stop playing.

Condemned: Criminal Origins is a classic horror game with a unique combat system, emphasis on investigation, and intense atmosphere. By following these tips and mastering the game’s controls, players can navigate the game’s missions and uncover the mystery behind the murders.

Game available on Steam

Shubham Pramanik
Shubham Pramanik
Shubham Pramanik, a 23-year-old writer based in Raipur, excels in crafting engaging content on technology and gaming. Embodying a versatile writing style, Shubham constantly seeks to broaden his expertise and deliver insightful articles that captivate professional audiences. Follow his work under the username Shubham Pramanik. He uses an iPhone 13, Moto G40 and a windows 11 laptop.

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