How To Change Default Apps in Android Nougat 7.0/7.1

Steps to Change Default Apps in Android Nougat: Android 7.0 Nougat has been out for quite a while, and a lot of people have already updated to it on their Nexus devices. Not only that, but a lot of impatient users have also installed ROMs on their Android devices, and everyone has been loving Android Nougat so far.

There are a lot of new features that are available in the latest version of Android, and one such feature is the new way to select your default applications. This was already a feature from the very beginning of Android, but it has now been redesigned and is now a lot easier to work with. Previously, you had to do it the trial and error method, where you would select an application, and then if you were asked a pop-up, then you could select it as your default application.

The way default applications work is pretty simple. Say you have two music players, one is built-in, and the other one has been downloaded from the Google Play Store. If you want to play music from an external source, then you will be force redirected to the stock music player. However, you don’t want to use the stock application, and want to use the downloaded one instead. To solve this issue, Android has introduced the concept of default applications.

Must Read [icon name=”hand-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Xposed For Android 7.0 Nougat 



In Android Nougat, you can select the default application for specific functions like camera, messaging, gallery, dialer, and music player. In this quick guide, let us have a glance on how Change Default Apps in Android Nougat

 How To Change Default Apps in Android Nougat 7.0 / 7.1

  1. Launch the Settings application.
  2. Scroll all the way down until you see the option named ‘Apps‘.
  3. Tap on it to show more information.
  4. Now, instead of selecting the applications manually, tap on the little ‘gears‘ icon on the top-right hand corner.
  5. This will bring up additional options to play around with.
  6. In here, you can select the applications you want for different functions like camera, music player, gallery, and more.
  7. Once done, reboot your device for optimal performance.

Voila! You’ve successfully selected your default applications in Android Nougat. If you have any queries, then hit us down in the comments section below, as we’re always here to help! If you think our guide has helped you, then don’t hesitate to share it with your friends on social media using our quick-share links below! Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter!

Adnan Ahmed
Adnan Ahmed
An avid technology reader, author, and admirer, Adnan has been into all-things technology since age twelve. Since then, thanks to the exposure he has been brought into, Adnan now serves as an author on multiple sites including Rootmygalaxy,net.

Comment (1)

  1. Avatar of Henry Ertresvaag
    Henry Ertresvaag

    Tried this, but Spotify were not an option.
    Only the built in music player and Google play music…


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