Flashfire v0.55 comes with Bug fixes, improvements and new features

Flashfire v0.55 comes with Bug fixes, improvements and new features For Google Pixel devices: The flashfire application users can now press the update button because the new version of Flashfire Version 0.55 has arrived with many new features, improvements, and bugs fixes. The bugs that occurred with google pixel users have been given preference and now they are solved so let’s check out the update.

According to Chainfire, Initial support has been added for the devices with multiple slots like google pixel. The slot management is mostly automatic but you can manually manage the slots on which actions are being performed.the update introduced the new OTA  format which is supported and works properly with the new devices but the problem is that it may not work properly with the upcoming future devices(only the devices manufactured by google).

For the new android 7.0 update some initial supports have been given for the new file based-encryption, It is the default file encryption for the google pixel line.Due to how this encryption method works, the Data of other users will not be backed up or restored.

flashfire has added some Basic support for devices with Magisk, Chainfire says that they have done only basic testings on devices both with SuperSU as well as (only) topjohnwu’s mod of superuser so their mileage can vary. They have also added the capability for external programs to launch FlashFire and set up flashing a provided ZIP file.

Flashfire v0.55 comes with Bug fixes, improvements and new features

This is the list of changes that have been made with the new update:

– Improved 32/64 bit handling (fixes some blackscreens)
– Improved handling of devices that have a /vendor partition
– Add initial support for devices with multiple slots
– Add support for encrypted OTA ZIPs
– Add support for A/B OTA ZIPs
– Add support for file-based encryption backup/restore (primary user only)
– Add additional Pixel partitions
– Add support for Magisk+SuperSU (preliminary)
– Add support for Magisk+phh (topjohnwu version only) (preliminary)
– Add circular icon (Android 7.1)
– Restrict app usage to primary user
– Make treating system/vendor/oem as original a setting (auto-detection is not completely reliable)
– File selection activity now remembers last location
– Fix drawer closing on back button press on tablets like Pixel C
– Fix overlay display visibility on S7@Nougat
– Detect and handle screen scaling on S7@Nougat
– Fix archive scanner freeze when reading password protected ZIPs inside another archive
– Fix seeking issue with custom recovery detector
– Fix archive scanner inconsistency with multiple files targeting the same partition
– Fix archive scanner scanning inside images
– Fix archive creator display inconsistency
– Fix unconditional block update ZIP detection
– Fix busybox/untar not setting SELinux file context on files that already existed
– Hide cache wiping options if no cache partition present
– Restart and re-check for root if root not found initially
– Refactor boot image analysis
– Preserve recovery: option hidden from devices without a dedicated recovery partition
– Replace update_engine service on A/B update devices
– Add intent to flash a specific ZIP file
– Workaround adb restore ‘never-finish’ issue by using adb push (temporary?)
– Embedded SuperSU updated to v2.79 SR3
– Adjust timebomb for non-Pro users to May 01, 2017

Aaryan Panwar
Aaryan Panwar
I am Aaryan Panwar a 16 years old tech blogger and a youtuber. I have a really big interest in technology and RMG is the best way to share my views on it with you all. I will try my best to provide you all the tech news and many more.

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