What is screen pinning on Android? How you should use it?

When you hand over your phone to children or acquaintance who just needs to read a “text message” or “make a phone call” is bit risky. The person may browse around and save your private photos in his cloud storage, or he may go through your emails. But don’t worry, Android has a Screen Pinning feature to keep your phone safe and secure in other hands. With the help of Pinning the screen feature you can lock any single app into the foreground, so no-one can open any other expect that pinned app.

How to enable screen pinning in Android devices?

You have an Android phone of 5.0+; there is a built-in feature called Screen Pinning. This feature makes other person difficult to switch to another app. By default, This feature is not enabled in may of the devices. But here we have a guide that will help you to enable this feature on Android.

Follow the below steps to enable Screen Pinning On Android

  1. Go to Settings –> Security
  2. In Security settings scroll down below to Advanced Settings
  3. Tap on Screen Pinning
  4. In screen pinning settings: Turn on the screen pinning feature (You tap or drag the switch fro left to right to enable)
    screen pinning in Android
  5. (Optional Feature) If you have enabled security (Pin, Pattern, or Password) on your device. Then you can enable security to Unpin the pinned screen.
    ➔ To enable this feature, turn on the “Ask for unlock pattern before unpinning.”
  6. Screen pin feature is turned on your device.

How to use screen pinning in Android

  • To pin the app tap on overview / recent apps button.
  • Drag the title bar to the middle of the screen.
  • In the bottom-right side of the app on overview screen will be a pin button. Click on it.
  • You will see a confirmation screen. Click Got it to confirm.
    Screen pinning on android
  • When the app is pinned, the user can navigate anywhere within the app; User cannot leave the app unless until the app is unpinned.
  • To unpin the pinned app you have to touch and hold back and overview buttons at the same time for a couple of seconds, then the app will be unpinned.

Hope you found this article helpful. let us know your feedback on Android screen pinning in the comment section below.

I am a Tech Content writer and full-time blogger. Started my career as Engineer in Larsen and Toubro LTD. with 3 years of experience in Hyderabad Metro Rail Project. I have been doing blogging since 2015, started with zero experience and now I am the well-recognized blogger. I like learning new things and believe that there can never be an end to learning. You can shoot an e-mail at beingteja.yt@gmail.com

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