Top 5 Best Free Ad Blocker apps for Android

Nowadays ads are everywhere they are all over the newspaper, TV, internet and even on the apps which we download from Google Play Store they may work as a source of education or information/data for some users but most of the time they are just very annoying and non of our business. Ad Blocker apps.

Advertisement  which we see on internet and apps are not actually act as a source of information everytime but sometime it does. but the worst part of this advertisement which we see on internet are popup ads these ads are very annoying and make it difficult for users like us to read the required information. Ad Blocker apps

These popup ads are some times take us to another page and we really can’t close each tap everytime we use internet or play games in apps or internet. So it is best choice to use any Ad Blocker app they help to remove/block these ad and we can easily do our work on internet without any Ad so today we are Sharing Top 5 Free Ad Blocker App For Android 2017 ( Ad Blocker apps)


Installing Adblocker apps may additionally have an effect on the operating and practicality of internet sites. therefore install adblocker apps at your own-risk. won’t be liable for any have an effect on caused by adblocker apps on your device.


Top 5 Best Free Ad Blocker apps for Android


NoRoot Ad Remover lite

NoRoot Ad Remover lite is the app which you can download from below link it help you to remove/block ads from internet this app doesn’t require root. this app work perfectly without rooting your mobile this app comes in two variant Free and Premium one you can use it as per your requirements  but i suggest you to use free version because paid version doesn’t make that much changes. you can block/remove ads by using free variant also.

Download NoRoot Ad Remove Lite

AdBlock Plus

AdBlock Plus is best app for removing/blocking ads on internet or apps this app is really loved by most of the users and it will also improve your browsing experience on internet. this app runs on background so you don’t have to open it everytime to block ads this app is easy to use. this app is really worth to download you must give it a try

Download ADBlock Plus

TrustGo Ad Detector

Trust Go Ad Detector is really a best android app which help you to not only block or remove the ads but also it help to take proper security of your identity and also prevent your data to be leaked. this app remove/block all the ads from most common advertisement network it has list of more than 100 advertisement network this app is really a trustful app you can download it from below link.
Download TrustGo AD Detector

Adaway ( Require Root )

Adaway is also a vert good app for users who rooted their android phone this app is nicely customized and it is very easy to use it doesn’t require any special technique to use. This app remove ad by taking host name and ip address of the site or app that contains ad and therefor this app block all the ads on sites and apps.
Download Adaway 

AppBrain Ad Detector

Basically as you can understand from its name that this app also detect ad from sites and apps and block/ remove it further. this app contains a brain ( Virtual ) and this brain is quite smart to remove and detect ads. this app can remove all type of advertisement like push notification , popads , video ads etc. this app is really good for remove ads you must give it a try.

Download AppBrain Ad Detector 

These are our Top 5 Best Free Ad Blocker apps for Android 2017 .What is your favourite among these? or if you know any other adblocker which is worth checking out then let us know in the comment section

Aditya Verma
Aditya Verma
My name is Aditya Verma a student currently studying in 11th Class. I've one passion which is 'Blogging' I also serve as an author on different sites. I always try my best to keep you guys updated with all type of Tutorials and Tech related News.

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