Is Facebook getting deleted or in danger of officially shutting down?

Facebook is definitely the world’s biggest and most popular social networking site with over 2.91 billion active users on a monthly basis. With that said, Facebook recently renamed itself “Meta”, with Mark Zuckerberg stating that Meta is their way to show the world their immense dedication to the development of the metaverse.

Facebook renaming itself presents a plethora of new opportunities

While Meta presents a lot of new opportunities to the company, it seems like this move is done to save the company from negative publicity. This move came after an ex-Facebook employee turned whistleblower Frances Haugen revealed that the company put more priority on monetary profits over people. Many media outlets backed the claim that Facebook had failed miserably at content and hate speech moderation outside of America.

Splitting up Facebook with Meta as the parent company will enable them to focus on Instagram and WhatsApp better while allowing them to place bets in areas like Virtual and Augmented Reality where regulation isn’t that strict.

Is Facebook in danger of getting deleted or shutting down?

Is Facebook getting deleted or in danger of officially shutting down?

With that said, many users are now confused if Facebook will be deleting or shutting down in the future. An indication that Facebook is here to stay and not going anywhere is a post from Mark Zuckerberg, where he posted a picture on Facebook of special cookies as he celebrated Facebook becoming Meta. Another way of looking at this would be Google and its parent Alphabet. Google will be around for a long time and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. This will be the case with Facebook as well unless they run into unforeseen issues.

Facebook found itself in hot waters recently as the government will reportedly take action against multiple social media giants including Facebook for not properly monitoring hateful content on their platforms. Facebook and Instagram got banned in Russia after a Moscow court cited “extremist activities” to be the reason for shutting them down. However, WhatsApp, which comes under Facebook (Meta) still works just fine in Russia.

Aviral Sharma
Aviral Sharma
Android Expert
Aviral Sharma is a talented and passionate writer who has been using words to express his thoughts ever since he learned how to hold a pen. He is passionate about outer space, history, sports, and most importantly, technology. Aviral has been a regular writer for rootmygalaxy for over 6 years and has been covering games and Android guides. He currently owns a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, an iPhone 13, and a HP Pavilion laptop.

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