[Download] LG G6 Stock Apps APKs are now available for download

LG G6 Stock Apps APKs are now available for download.Ever since the system dump of LG G6 has come out courtesy of XDA, there has been lot of buzz in the android community as they have been busy figuring out different ways to tinker with configurations, kernel optimizations, build files and portion applications from LG G6 for not only its predecessors like G5 and G4 but also for a number of AOSP running Android handsets. This possibility of modifying the dump has opened the doors to endless opportunities. If you are already a developer or are aspiring to become a developer, you have to be fascinated by this idea of porting the apps of LG G6 to other devices using G6 apps apk files.

Here, in this post we have given you the link for downloading LG G6 Apps apk files. These apk files have been taken from three directories of the system dump of LG G6; app, framework and priv-app. You should definitely check out all the apps which are available for download along with their respective ART and OAT files.

Here we have provided you with a list which includes all the system applications of LG G6. We also want to point out that few apps are specially made for G6 like Dolby Vision and might not work perfectly on your device because of lack of hardware implementation. However, feel free to try other apps provided in the list.


RootMyGalaxy.net is not responsible for any damage happened to your device(s) while following this guide. Proceed at your own risk.

LG G6 Apps apk

You can download the apk files of LG G6 by going to the following link which contains three folders from the system dump of LG G6; app, framework and priv-app.

Download LG G6 Stock App Pack

By downloading the file, you will be getting the following apk files:

  • AndroidPay.apk
  • atfwd.apk
  • BackupRestoreConfirmation.apk
  • BlockedNumberProvider.apk
  • BluetoothMidiService.apk
  • BookmarkProvider.apk
  • CalculatorGoogle.apk
  • CaptivePortalLogin.apk
  • CarrierConfig.apk
  • CertInstaller.apk
  • Chrome.apk
  • CloudHub.apk
  • CloudPrint.apk
  • CNEService.apk
  • CollageWallpapers.apk
  • com.lge.app.floating.res.apk
  • com.lge.shutdownmonitor.apk
  • com.lge.sui.widget.apk
  • com.qualcomm.location.apk
  • ConfigUpdater.apk
  • CtsShimPrebuilt.apk
  • CtsShimPrivPrebuilt.apk
  • DefaultContainerService.apk
  • DocumentsUI.apk
  • DolbyVisionService.apk
  • DownloadProviderUi.apk
  • dpmserviceapp.apk
  • Drive.apk
  • DriveActivator.apk
  • DrmService.apk
  • Duo.apk
  • EasterEgg.apk
  • EdenService.apk
  • EditorsDocs.apk
  • EditorsSheets.apk
  • EditorsSlides.apk
  • elt_test.apk
  • Evernote.apk
  • ExternalStorageProvider.apk
  • Facebook_AppManager.apk
  • Facebook_Instagram_stub.apk
  • Facebook_Installer.apk
  • Facebook_stub.apk
  • FaceLock.apk
  • FalseAlarm.apk
  • FidoASM.apk
  • FidoAuthenticator.apk
  • FidoClient.apk
  • FontServer.apk
  • framework-res.apk
  • FusedLocation.apk
  • GameTuner.apk
  • GCUV.apk
  • Gmail2.apk
  • GmsCore.apk
  • GnssAirTest.apk
  • GnssLogCat.apk
  • GnssPosTest.apk
  • GnssTest.apk
  • GoogleBackupTransport.apk
  • GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk
  • GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk
  • GoogleExtServices.apk
  • GoogleExtShared.apk
  • GoogleFeedback.apk
  • GoogleLoginService.apk
  • GoogleOneTimeInitializer.apk
  • GooglePackageInstaller.apk
  • GooglePartnerSetup.apk
  • GooglePrintRecommendationService.apk
  • GoogleServicesFramework.apk
  • GoogleTTS.apk
  • HiddenMenu.apk
  • HomeSelector.apk
  • HotwordEnrollment.apk
  • HTMLViewer.apk
  • IceContacts.apk
  • Ims4.apk
  • InCalAgent.apk
  • InputDevices.apk
  • ip-provider.apk
  • IPsecService_LG.apk
  • IPService.apk
  • KeyChain.apk
  • Leccp.apk
  • LG360VideoWallpaper.apk
  • LG360Wallpaper.apk
  • LGAccount.apk
  • LGAirDrive.apk
  • LGAirDriveSetting.apk
  • LGAlarmClock.apk
  • LGApplicationManager.apk
  • LGATCMDService.apk
  • LGBackup.apk
  • LGBackupLauncher.apk
  • LGBluetooth4.apk
  • LGBluetoothSetting.apk
  • LGCalendar.apk
  • LGCalendarProvider.apk
  • LGCameraApp.apk
  • LGCMAS.apk
  • LGContacts.apk
  • LGContactsProvider.apk
  • LGDMSClient.apk
  • LGDMSClient4VZWOD.apk
  • LGDownloadProvider.apk
  • LGDrm.apk
  • LGEasyHome.apk
  • LGEIME.apk
  • lge-res.apk
  • LGFileManager.apk
  • LGFmRadio.apk
  • LGFOTA.apk
  • LGGallery.apk
  • LGGestureAnswering.apk
  • LGHiFiRecorder.apk
  • LGHMS.apk
  • LGHome.apk
  • LGHome_Theme_Optimus.apk
  • LGHome4.apk
  • LGIFTTT.apk
  • LGInCallUI.apk
  • LGInputDevices.apk
  • LGInstallService.apk
  • LGKeyguardEffect.apk
  • LGLDB.apk
  • LGLiveWallpapersPicker.apk
  • LGLockScreenSettings_2.apk
  • LGLockScreenSettings_Provider.apk
  • LGMapUI.apk
  • LGMediaProvider.apk
  • LGMusic.apk
  • LGMusicShare.apk
  • LGMusicWidget.apk
  • LGMyPhoneCare.apk
  • LGMyWellness.apk
  • LGNetworkSettings.apk
  • LGNextCapture.apk
  • LgNfc.apk
  • LGP2pService.apk
  • LGPartnerBookmarksProvider.apk
  • LGPCSuiteService.apk
  • LGPrivacylock.apk
  • LGQHelp.apk
  • LGQHelpService.apk
  • LGQMemoplus.apk
  • LGSettings.apk
  • LGSettingsAccessibility.apk
  • LGSettingsProvider.apk
  • LGSetupView.apk
  • LGSignBoard.apk
  • LGSignBoardProvider.apk
  • LGSignBoardSettings.apk
  • LGSmartSharePush.apk
  • LGSmartWorld.apk
  • LGSnapPage.apk
  • LGSpringCleaning.apk
  • LGStartupwizard.apk
  • LGStk.apk
  • LGSystemServer.apk
  • LGSystemUI.apk
  • LGSystemUI_Provider.apk
  • LGTasksProvider.apk
  • LGTelecom.apk
  • LGTeleService.apk
  • LGThemeService.apk
  • LGThemeSquare.apk
  • LGTouchControlAreas.apk
  • LGUpdateCenter.apk
  • LGUSMms.apk
  • LGUSTelephonyProvider.apk
  • LGVideo.apk
  • LGVideoStudio.apk
  • LGVRPlayer.apk
  • LGWeather.apk
  • LGWeatherService.apk
  • LGWeatherTheme.apk
  • LGWfdsServices.apk
  • LGWifiSettings.apk
  • LIASmartCareEngine.apk
  • LicenseProvider.apk
  • ManagedProvisioning.apk
  • Maps.apk
  • MirrorLinkServer.apk
  • MmsService.apk
  • MtpDocumentsProvider.apk
  • Music2.apk
  • MyPlacesEngine.apk
  • MyPlacesSettings.apk
  • NfcSettings.apk
  • PacProcessor.apk
  • Phonesky.apk
  • Photos.apk
  • PrintSpooler.apk
  • PromoHelper.apk
  • ProxyHandler(1).apk
  • ProxyHandler.apk
  • qcrilmsgtunnel(1).apk
  • qcrilmsgtunnel.apk
  • QtiTetherService(1).apk
  • QtiTetherService.apk
  • servicemenu.apk
  • SetupWizard.apk
  • SharedStorageBackup(1).apk
  • SharedStorageBackup.apk
  • Shell.apk
  • SmartDoctorWebView.apk
  • SmartSetting.apk
  • SmartShare.apk
  • SmartShareProvider.apk
  • StatementService.apk
  • Tag.apk
  • talkback.apk
  • telresources.apk
  • ThemePackage_Black.apk
  • ThemePackage_HighContrast.apk
  • ThemePackage_Titan.apk
  • ThemePackage_White.apk
  • TimeService.apk
  • UnifiedEULA.apk
  • USCHiddenMenu.apk
  • UserDictionaryProvider.apk
  • Velvet.apk
  • Videos.apk
  • VpnClient_LG.apk
  • VpnDialogs.apk
  • WallpaperBackup.apk
  • WallpaperCropper.apk
  • WapService.apk
  • WebViewGoogle.apk
  • WfdService.apk
  • WfdSpMirroringSourceService.apk
  • WifiCall.apk
  • xtra_t_app.apk
  • YouTube.apk
Aviral Sharma
Aviral Sharma
Android Expert
Aviral Sharma is a talented and passionate writer who has been using words to express his thoughts ever since he learned how to hold a pen. He is passionate about outer space, history, sports, and most importantly, technology. Aviral has been a regular writer for rootmygalaxy for over 6 years and has been covering games and Android guides. He currently owns a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, an iPhone 13, and a HP Pavilion laptop.

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