Android Auto brings the fix for Google Maps Voice Command issue

Android Auto and Google Maps are two of the most important apps for Android users and they come handy in a wide range of situations. The developers make sure to introduce new features to make the apps even more efficient. But what happens if the two apps get in the way of each other?

Recently, many users have been complaining of Google Maps Voice Command issue. In this issue, Android Auto’s voice commands for navigation were getting redirected to Google Maps.

Luckily for those users, Android Auto has brought along the fix for the Google Maps Voice Command issue. Here, you will get to know how you can take care of the Google Maps Voice Command issue.

Android Auto brings the fix for Google Maps Voice Command issue

Google Maps Voice Command

Recently, many users have been experiencing a rather frustrating issue with Android Auto. In this issue, the voice commands for navigation are getting directed to Google Maps exclusively, avoiding the user’s preferred navigation apps. This bug has been affecting users who often have to rely on alternative apps like Waze.

Android Auto with the help of Google Assistant allows you to navigate using voice commands through your preferred app. However, the Google Maps Voice Command issue has been causing a lot of issues.

However, users have come up with a temporary solution, allowing you to resolve this problem temporarily. By disabling Google Maps on your smartphone, you will be able to stop this bug that was compromising the overall functionality and user experience of Android Auto.

Moreover, the developers have also deployed a solution, allowing you to resolve this problem permanently. The new Google app update dubbed version seems to have fixed the Google Maps Voice Command issue, allowing the voice commands to work adequately with the chosen navigation app. This update has restored the system to the full capability of the Android Auto app.

We hope this helped you know more about Android Auto bringing the fix for Google Maps Voice Command issue. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to mention them in the comments section.

Aviral Sharma
Aviral Sharma
Android Expert
Aviral Sharma is a talented and passionate writer who has been using words to express his thoughts ever since he learned how to hold a pen. He is passionate about outer space, history, sports, and most importantly, technology. Aviral has been a regular writer for rootmygalaxy for over 6 years and has been covering games and Android guides. He currently owns a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, an iPhone 13, and a HP Pavilion laptop.

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