How to fix Headless Character Bug in Starfield

The Headless Character Bug in Starfield has become a rather notorious glitch that has been perplexing and amusing players at the same time. Starfield is a long-awaited space exploration game and it has been exhibiting bugs and issues.

Aside from the Headless Character bug, this game has also faced issues like broken HDR and excessive motion blur. Now, the headless character bug has created an eerie sight, transforming the players’ allies into headless entities.

If you have been facing this issue, then this guide will be helpful. In this guide, you will get to know how to fix Headless Character bug in Starfield.

Starfield players facing the invisible head issue

Headless character

The Chameleon gear (set of armor) grants temporary invisibility to the players’ characters. When equipped, this gear allows the players to blend into their surroundings, making stealth gameplay easily accessible.

Instead of making the character or companion invisible, it inadvertently erases the heads from existence. This glitch can be especially unsettling when engaging in different conversations. According to some users, this bug is prompted when they switch to the third-person mode. This further adds an added layer of complexity to the problem.

How to fix headless character bug in Starfield?

Method 1: Equip items other than the Chameleon gear

Many affected players feel this bug is a result of Chameleon gear. Equipping items other than the chameleon gear has helped players temporarily. However, it still continues to bug their character. Players are hoping the developers find a permanent resolution to this issue.

Method 2: Open and close the hand scanner

Another way of fixing this issue would be by opening and closing the hand scanner. You can do this by pressing the LB button on your Xbox controller or the “F” button on the keyboard twice. However, you should remember that this is a temporary fix and will not prevent it from happening again.

Method 3: Switch to the first-person POV

Some users have also reported that changing the PV has helped them. You can switch to first-person POV and you will no longer get the headless character bug. However, you should remember that switching back to third-person PV could return the bug.

Pic credit – Starfield

Aviral Sharma
Aviral Sharma
Android Expert
Aviral Sharma is a talented and passionate writer who has been using words to express his thoughts ever since he learned how to hold a pen. He is passionate about outer space, history, sports, and most importantly, technology. Aviral has been a regular writer for rootmygalaxy for over 6 years and has been covering games and Android guides. He currently owns a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, an iPhone 13, and a HP Pavilion laptop.

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