How to fix Remote Not Working issue on Roku?

Roku remotes serve as helpful tools for operating your TV but they end up having an issue here and there. It can be quite frustrating if the remote fails to work properly. If you’re getting the Remote Not Working issue on Roku, luckily there are workarounds.

It is possible to control and manage your TV without a remote control, it is the preferable choice for anyone who wants to operate a remote TV easily.

If you’re looking for fixes for this issue, then you’re in the right place. In this guide, you will get to know how to fix the Remote Not Working issue on Roku.

How to fix the Remote Not Working issue on Roku?

Remote Not Working

Method 1: Check the Roku remote batteries

  • Open the remote control’s battery panel
  • Replace the old batteries with brand-new ones
  • Ensure that you insert the correct ones as some might require AA batteries while others require AAA batteries
  • Check if the Remote Not Working issue is resolved

Method 2: Restart the Roku

The next thing that you must try is restart the Roku device as the problem might be with the device and not actually with the remote. Restarting Roku is quite simple and there are different ways you can restart your Roku TV. Once you have restarted the Roku, check if the Remote Not Working issue is resolved.

Method 3: Use an HDMI extension cable

If you’ve got a Roku streaming stick and the Roku remote isn’t working, you will need to use an HDMI extension cable as the stick will plug into the HDMI port on your TV. The HDMI connection might be causing interference with the remote.

If this is the issue, you’ll have to use a secondary HDMI cable to resolve the issue, as an HDMI extension cable will put the stick away from the adapter on the TV. If you haven’t got an extension cable, you don’t have to buy it as Roku will give you a free HDMI extender if you purchase a Roku stick. You should fill out this form by entering the Roku stick’s serial number.

Method 4: Pair the remote again

  • Start by unplugging the Roku box from the power outlet
  • Wait for 15 seconds or so and then reconnect it
  • Now, wait for the home page to come up
  • Locate the “Pairing Button” on your remote
  • Press the “Pairing Button” until the Roku remote starts blinking

Method 5: Reset the Roku remote

You should try to reset your Roku remote by performing a specific sequence as it’ll help many users fix the Roku Remote Not Working issue. Once you have reset your Roku remote, your issue will be resolved.

Aviral Sharma
Aviral Sharma
Android Expert
Aviral Sharma is a talented and passionate writer who has been using words to express his thoughts ever since he learned how to hold a pen. He is passionate about outer space, history, sports, and most importantly, technology. Aviral has been a regular writer for rootmygalaxy for over 6 years and has been covering games and Android guides. He currently owns a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, an iPhone 13, and a HP Pavilion laptop.

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