One UI 6.1 update adds screen burn-in protection back to the status bar

Samsung has addressed user concerns by re-adding the screen burn-in protection for the status bar in its latest One UI 6.1 firmware update. This essential feature, previously missing in One UI 6.0, aims to prevent permanent display damage caused by static image retention on OLED screens.

What is screen burn-in, and why is screen burn-in and Why Screen Burn-in Protection is needed on OLED Screen devices?

OLED displays are generally popular and superior in many aspects compared to LCD screens. But like all screen types, they have there shortcomings and are susceptible to screen burn-in.

Screen burn in protection is a phenomenon where static images left on the screen for extended periods can cause permanent discoloration or image retention. This issue can manifest as text or image outlines, color fading, or noticeable patches, adversely affecting the display quality.

Samsung finally brings screen burn-in protection with One UI 6.1

I recently updated my Galaxy S23 ultra to One UI 6.1 update and noticed that Burn-in protection is working. I checked several reddit posts (example: post 1 and post 2), and users have shared that their devices too got the burn-in protection after the One UI 6.1 update.

One UI 6.1 update adds screen burn-in protection
One UI 6.1 update adds screen burn-in protection | Pic: reddit

With the release of One UI 6.1, Samsung has implemented pixel shifting for the status bar, a technique that regularly shifts the pixels to prevent static images from causing burn-in. This measure ensures that Galaxy users can enjoy their devices without worrying about permanent display damage.

To verify if your Samsung device has screen burn-in protection enabled, follow these steps:

  1. Take a screenshot with the status bar visible.
  2. Rotate the screen between landscape and portrait modes multiple times.
  3. Open the screenshot from the Samsung Gallery.

If the status bar elements have moved their positions, overlapping the screenshot, then screen burn-in protection is active on your device.

I hope your device has gotten the One UI 6.1 update too. If you’ve upgraded to the newest firmware, please share your experience with us and the rest of the community in the comment section down below.

Dibyashree Sharma
Dibyashree Sharma
Editorial Leader
Dibyashree Sharma graduated in Computer Science from NIT Rourkela. For the past eight years, she has been blogging about Android, which she is really passionate about. She has built a good reputation as a reliable source. Away from the digital sphere, Dibyashree enjoys playing tennis, a sport she is as passionate about as she is about technology.

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