How To Disable Display Over Other Apps On Android Oreo (8.0/8.1)

Follow this guide to Disable Display Over Other Apps On Android Oreo (8.0/8.1) (Draw over other app): Android Oreo(8.0/8.1) being the latest version of Operating System by Google is a Fantastic and most fastest OS ever Developed and launched by Google. It is exclusively rolling over recently launched Smartphones/Tablets and to some old one also like Pixel (1st Gen.)

Despite of unlimited new features,Advanced User Interface, some problems are still arising in it.One of them is the ‘… Is displaying over other Apps \ Draw Over Other Apps ‘,the first time it was detected in Android 7.0 (Nougat).It was the first time when Google launched this feature as a Merit but for many users,It is like a Demerit as it comes again and again and disturbs people when doing some work on the device.

To overcome this issue, we will help you getting over this problem and enjoy your experience with Android Oreo. Basically, there are two ways of getting rid of this problem and we are helping you with both of them below

Some Android 8.0/8.1 Oreo Features

  • Re-designed Android Emoji.
  • Long press on any App icon to use App shortcuts.
  • Settings menu has been re-designed with no slide-out menu.
  • More security added like Google Play Protect.
  • More in-depth Battery usage stats with power saving .
  • Night Light Mode.
  • Change App shape without any Launcher, just go to Settings>Change icon shape.
  • Quick Settings with new icon theme and Look.
  • Notification Dots .

Note: This settings may vary in different android devices

Steps To Disable Display over other Apps On Android Oreo 8.0/8.1

  • Reach  Settings in your device.
  • Navigate to Apps & Notifications. (In some phones, Apps)

Disable Draw over other app 1

  • Go to Advanced > Special App Access>Display over other Apps. (In some Phones, Special Access and Draw Over Other Apps)

Disable Draw over other app 2

  • By now,you will be getting a list of apps,you can Disable anyone By Clicking on it.

Method-2: Disable Draw Over Other Apps

  • Go to Settings .
  • Apps & Notifications>App info.
  •  Go to the App you want to disable notification for.Turn off the toggle button for Allow Display.

Hope my Guide helped you to overcome this issue.For any query, Comment below.

Kunal Kumar
Kunal Kumar
Hey ! its me Kunal, A PCM student, content writer for Team@RMG. Proud of it . My Blogging is at its peak. Techie,A Gadget Enthusiast. Blood group- Geek+ve.

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